Friday, September 30, 2011

God is Umbrella Hat

Who invented the Umbrella Hat? I haven't been able to find a straight answer yet, but for now I'm content with just basking in this feeling of "How about that guy!" What a bold invention. It's practical, allowing your hands to be free as you walk undaunted through the rain, but it sure is a social faux pas. No one who wears an umbrealla hat is going to become class president over night, I'm sure. But here's the thing: Imagine you're walking down the street or to class or something when out of nowhere, BAM! - sudden rainstorm. One of those freak events where the forecaster predicted a 10% chance the night before, and sure enough, the slim odds paid off. Then you and everyone around you ends up soaking wet and it's all a big wet mess by the time you get indoors.

Sad defeat

Now, imagine the same scenario, except you happen to have your bright rainbow umbrella hat with you. What once brought scoffs and maybe stares has now made you the sidewalk hero - who championed the rain with what was once socially unacceptable headwear.

Sweet Victory

Life often brings us rain (I'm talking metaphorically now). Problems and hard times appear out of nowhere. How much better prepared are we when we have a strong faith in God! Sometimes our faith can be awkward to display publicly. Sometimes people scoff at it or make fun of those who believe. It can often be socially unacceptable to be a Christian. But when things get tough, and you're still able to hold your head up and stay dry, people really take notice. Faith is an extremely powerful thing, and if you are able to wear it strongly and proudly, the more people will notice and appreciate it during those times when they could really use an umbrella hat themselves. God is Umbrella hat.